Limited Time: Enrollment is Open Now!

From Overworked and Unsatisfied to Joyfully Fulfilled in Work and Life

Step into lasting fulfillment and welcome energy and confidence! All without BS goal Setting, adding to your schedule, losing your edge, or randomly taking up knitting.

A Totally Fulfilling Life is Possible for You

You deserve a life where you…

Unapologetically sign off work at the end of the day and go enjoy your personal time.
Meet up with those that matter most to you for brunch, laughing and listening and basking in every moment.
Take a long weekend away with your love with your mind focused on creating beautiful memories.
Peacefully enjoy yoga classes, museum hopping, book club, or any other hobbies in the evenings and weekends.
Confidently know what you want and make it happen.
Feel the free, light, energetic, confident, present, and clear feelings of a fulfilling life.
Imagine Strolling down the street. Feeling both feet on the ground. Hearing the birds sing. Soaking in the warm sun. Embracing the fresh breeze. And unshakably KNOWING you are freely fulfilled.

BUT I understand that life might feel very far from where you are now.

Right now you are probably…

Struggling to turn your “work brain” off when you step away from your desk.
Not present when you meet up with friends. Struggling to listen and enjoy the time together.
Spending vacations worried about the “to-do’s” piling up.
Bogged down with so much guilt it’s near impossible (or literally impossible) to participate and enjoy hobbies.
Making decisions out of fear based on what other people “think is best.”
Lacking bravery in setting up and accomplishing goals.
Feeling stuck, heavy, frustrated, insecure, overwhelmed, and in-your-head constantly.

It’s not your fault you are unfulfilled

The truth is there is a LOT of bad information out there from “gurus” who preach how to live a super happy fulfilling life and most of it does not work.
The big voices out there on social media, podcasts, and articles will tell you that fulfillment comes from things like…
  • achieving maximum productivity
  • reaching career milestones
  • having a brunch of hobbies
  • making more time for rest
Here is the thing–basing your satisfaction in life on things like this is actually only setting you up for more dissatisfaction.
If you want to be fulfilled you have to first be fulfilled within yourself . You have to know that you are enough. That your value comes from within.

The RIGHT Methods Make Fulfillment Possible

(No miracle or magic needed)

It can feel like in order to achieve fulfillment you need a miracle.
But guess what?
All you need is a strong foundation for fulfillment.
That foundation comes from knowing that you are already enough.
And that comes from having the right methods for unblocking everything keeping you from fully loving, trusting, and respecting yourself.
There is nothing magical about this process (other than the feeling at the end!). It is absolutely possible. It is just a matter of following, trusting, and putting your all into the methods.

Meet your Fulfillment Mentor

My name is
Janice Engelgau,
and despite now living a fulfilling life, I didn’t always.
Years ago, I would constantly push myself to the brink, believing my worth was tied to my career success. After a pivotal moment where I was almost fired from my biggest career opportunity yet one summer in NYC, I realized I needed to make a change.
For 10 years I tried every self-help method I could find. But despite my best efforts I was still struggling feeling incomplete and often felt burnt out and insecure.
It wasn't until I delved into deep mindset techniques during a business mentorship for personal stylists that I began to heal and truly transform.
Now, I live guilt-free, confidently pursuing my goals while enjoying life's simple pleasures.
Now, I live guilt-free, confidently pursuing my goals while enjoying life's simple pleasures.
Even while living through tough times, like a significant pay cut and financial strain, I maintain a sense of fulfillment.
After my own experience finding fulfillment, I realized I had to create a program to help others. I don’t want anyone else to have to struggle through all the unhelpful advice out there like I did.
Feeling fulfilled is an incredible feeling and I’m thrilled you’re here now, starting your journey with me!

How do I know this will work for me?

Well… Meet Harley

When Harley joined the Freely Fulfilled Method she felt cursed. Maybe not literally cursed, but the Chicago-based personal trainer and children’s dance teacher with major artistic aspirations thought she was destined to never live a completely fulfilled in life.
Harley has broken the curse. She feels free to live totally fulfilled.
She told me: “I was taught in childhood that I was not good enough for fulfillment and I internalized that.”
Then she joined the Freely Fulfilled Method.
Since completing the program Harley has a whole new outlook on life. At her core she knows that she is absolutely deserving of fulfillment.
She has a newfound trust for herself and because of this she doesn’t feel the need to push until she drops. She sees the road to her career goals with abundant positivity and optimism, rather than full of insurmountable road blocks.
Her confidence is soaring. She has the strength and courage to face anyone that pushes her boundaries and clearly speaks her needs.
Harley has broken the curse. She feels free to live totally fulfilled.

And you know what? So can you!

Introducing the Freely Fulfilled Method

This is the program that will help you:

  • Feel totally complete
  • Know you are enough
  • Build a solid foundation for a truly fulfilling life
  • Derive your value from within
  • Access your love, trust, and respect for yourself
  • Feel energizing, confident, present, clear, and free - - aka, fulfilled

The Freely Fulfilled Framework

How do we do all that?

Through a combination of these 3 master keys:

During our weekly 45 minutes 1:1 meeting you get…

7 core focus of the Freely Fulfilled Method (FFM)

Heal your foundation for inner security

Learn how to feel safe within yourself so you aren't being misled by fear based thinking.

The Magic of feeling your passions

Learn how to process your anger in a healthy way so you can clearly see what isn’t serving you in life and have the power, drive, and energy to make a change.

The power of your true authentic self

Learn how to define your boundaries and access your confidence so you can spring into action on your desires as your true authentic self without any second guessing.

Relieving your past wounds

Learn how to forgive yourself and others from past pain so you aren’t accidentally re-creating the circumstances caused by hurt and pain of the past.

Break free from the Money Paradigm

Learn how to recognize your programmed beliefs around money so that you can release and rewrite the beliefs that aren’t serving your financial wellbeing.

Step into an Abundant Mindset

Learn how to feel your worth and trust yourself so you can create the life YOU want. This way you can avoid unconsciously crafting a life you don’t want with ever growing bitterness.

Elevate through personal style

Learn how to show up in life as your highest most magnetic self. With this skill you can avoid your style being the thing that limits your self-love.

Multiple Support Channels to Make Sure You Succeed

20 one to one coaching sessions

Receive the highest level of attention and support

Individualized and personalized guidance

Actionable advice for whatever you are facing now

20 fulfillment finding exercises

Step into lasting fulfillment now and forever

Frameworks to help you forever

Get back to feeling complete even when life gets tough

So… what’s all of this worth?

  • 10+ years of research to discover effective methods to fulfillment: $50,000
  • 5 hours of individualized help: $375
  • Framework of exercises to help you indefinitely: $1500
Total: $51,875

But that’s not what you’ll pay…

Act fast and take advantage of this once in a life time offer

Fast Action Pay-in-Full (Save $193!)

Single Payment
Value of the course: $51,875
Regular enrollment: $3,448
Your price: $2,798
  • 20 one to one coaching sessions
  • Individualized and personalized guidance
  • 20 effective fulfillment finding exercises
  • Framework of methods to help you forever

Fast Action Monthly Payments

3 Payments
Value of the course: $51,875
Regular enrollment: $3,448
Your price: $997 x 3
  • 20 one to one coaching sessions
  • Individualized and personalized guidance
  • 20 effective fulfillment finding exercises
  • Framework of methods to help you forever

What is it costing you to not feel fulfilled?

Let’s say you are spending…

  • $15 a month on some kind of time management software.
  • $10 a month on a self development app.
  • $50 a month for a resume job hunt service.
  • $100 a month on a new hobby.
  • $300 goal setting confidence course.
  • $400 a month for some kind of individualized coaching.
Over the course of a year, that comes out to $7200 a year in money you are wasting EVERY single year!
When you follow this program you will also have saved the cost of the program more than twice after just one year!
Kristiana J.
Janice is absolutely brilliant at what she does and I highly recommend this program to anyone who is on the fence about it. If you’re wondering if this is right for you, it is.
If something she said spoke to you, then there is a reason why it did, and you owe it to yourself to find out what’s on the other side of that why.
I had been running myself dry emotionally and physically, and I was plagued with constant guilt, regret, anxiety, and fear. I felt completely lost.
But Janice has this wonderful way of holding space for wherever you are and giving you exactly what you need at the right time.
It was incredibly relieving. Having someone in my corner guiding me and supporting me on my journey was truly invaluable.
Before I knew it, I was showing up for myself in ways I hadn’t done before, setting boundaries that I had never done before with people that I would have only done so in my dreams.
I was healing and finally finding my voice and desires.
This program was the secret ingredient I was missing.
It’s not that I don’t ever feel the feelings I had before [FFM] but the biggest difference is that I’m in a completely different space with myself and I was able to resolve the things that gave me constant guilt, regret, and fear due to this program.
Which was completely unexpected! Now I have the tools to work on this daily and I am beyond grateful!
Thank you so much Janice! You’re with me every day!

Stop Struggling Trying to Figure it Out and Start Unapologetically Enjoying Your Life!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this program good for someone who works in corporate, is an entrepreneur, a teacher, a performer, or a ___fill in the blank with a career___?
Yes, yes, and yes. I have worked with a wide range of professionals. The teachings of the Freely Fulfilled Method work regardless of career. However, I would say this program is not for you if you aren’t open to trying the methods we have talked about in this video and you don’t believe they will work for you. So if you are ready to come into this program with an open mind, willingness to try the methods, and belief that they will work then this will be the right fit for you.
How far into the program will I start to see results?
One of the beautiful things about this process is that the time to see results varies client to client. Everyone who comes into this program comes with their own unique set of experiences that are keeping them from feeling fulfilled. Because of this you will find certain healing exercises more moving than others. It is important to keep in mind that we are doing some major re-programming in the Feely Fulfilled Method. It is going to take some time to get there. We are doing a lot of little shifts that then add up to one big lasting effective shift.
Can I get through the program in less than 5 months?
If you are thinking this I love that you are eager to live your most fulfilling life. But, like I mentioned before, big life changes take time. Meeting once a week over 5 months allows these adjustments to really soak in. The work we do in the Freely Fulfilled Method is deep and that can be hard. If the program is rushed there is a chance it will be too overwhelming and you won’t experience all the benefits.
What if I need to change our weekly meeting time or cancel or reschedule a session?
This is not a problem! During our Orientation Call we will pick a weekly time for us to meet. If at any point during the program you need to change your weekly time no worries we can pick a new time just make sure to notify 24 hours before our next session. If you need to reschedule or cancel a single session I also ask that you give 24 hours notice.
Can I leave the program if I don’t feel like it is the right fit?
Yes, you can! I understand that, likely, we have never met and you might have some reservations about working with someone 1:1 for 5 months you don’t know. To allay these fears after purchasing the Freely Fulfilled Method we will have an Orientation Call. During this call we will make sure that the Freely Fulfilled Method aligns with your goals. If it doesn’t feel like the right fit, you will have 24 hours after the Orientation Call to cancel minus a processing fee. Just make sure you book and have your Orientation Call within the first week after purchasing.
Is this one of those entrepreneur business courses?
No, it is not. You will not learn any specific business strategies in the Freely Fulfilled Method. But I will say that if you are an entrepreneur what you learn in this program will help you. Being an entrepreneur is tough. It can easily be a venture full of stress, overwhelm, and insecurity. These are things that we address in the program. And I can confidently say that as an entrepreneur none of the strategies I learned helped me until I had these principles under my belt because I was too blocked to really apply them consistently. So is this an entrepreneur business course? No. Will it help if you are an entrepreneur? Yes.
Are my sessions confidential?
Yes, absolute confidentiality is a priority. The information shared in our sessions and session recordings will not be disclosed to any outside sources without your explicit permission. Your privacy is of utmost importance, and any sharing of success stories or insights on social media will only be done with your consent and/or without revealing your name. Just a quick heads up, though: If there's ever a mention of potential harm to yourself or others, I have a professional obligation to involve the necessary individuals to ensure everyone's safety.
Can I reach out to you between sessions for guidance whenever?
You won’t be able to do that but you will get individualized guidance based on what you are currently facing. To give everyone in the program my complete attention, guidance will only take place during our sessions. And as a reminder we will begin our sessions with chatting about what you are currently dealing with. This is your time to bring up anything you desire guidance on.
Do I need to purchase any special software or tools for this program?
Nope! All you need is access to Zoom and Google Drive (both are free :) )
Do I need any special skills coming into this program? Like skills for coping with anxiety?
You don’t. Come as you are! The teachings in this program are designed to meet you where you are. The only thing I ask is that you come with an open mind.
Is this the only time we can get the fast action pricing? Are there any upcoming sales?
Yes, this is the only time you will see the fast action price. After these 5 days are finished it will go up to the standard price. And, no, we don’t do any sales for the program. The fast action price is the lowest price you will see for the program.
Desi E.
I had the pleasure of working with Janice Engelgau, an incredible coach who made my journey truly enjoyable.
Her warm and friendly demeanor created a positive atmosphere that made every interaction a delight.
She is a coach who was always ready to lend a helping hand, providing guidance and support whenever needed. Working with her was truly a rewarding experience.

How do I know this is for me?

This IS for you if…

  • You have been trying to build a fulfilling life and you have struggled.
  • You are struggling in a sea of confusion from doing all the “right” things they say you should do to find fulfillment.
  • You are exhausted from trying to increase your productivity so you can get to “x” stage of your career and finally start enjoying life..
  • You are bogged down from too much guilt to keep up with hobbies and other things you love in your personal life.

This ISN’T for you if…

  • You already feel consistently fulfilled, or if fulfillment isn’t something you strive for or dream of.
  • You if you believe productivity and work are the only point of life.
  • You aren’t open to trying and giving your best to methods that solve the problem at its root.

"Yeah but I’m not so sure about…"

Answers to those nagging questions:

Yeah but… if you are saying how hard I work and what I do for fun (and also all the other areas of my life) won’t make me fulfilled does that mean I just have to settle and give up on my dreams?

  • Living fulfilled doesn’t mean you have to give up on any of your big goals.
  • The key to fulfillment is in feeling satisfied within yourself first.
  • If you don’t you will seek out other things outside yourself hoping they will make you feel complete only to repeat the cycle because you don’t feel like enough within.
  • With the right healing methods and practices, like the ones we use in FFM, you can cultivate that foundation of love, trust, and respect for yourself.
  • This will allow you to see how you are already enough and give clarity to what you do want to change in your life and what may actually already be working.

Yeah but… I hear what you are saying but I really feel like I need to get my career to a certain point before I even try to be fulfilled. I’m afraid this will make me complacent in my goals and hurt my productivity.

  • I LOVE that you have big goals and don’t want to compromise. And you should not have to to be fulfilled!
  • With the right methods you learn how to genuinely appreciate where you are now.
  • That appreciation helps you be more productive and more effective in pursuing your goals.

Yeah but, Am I worth investing in myself just to feel "fulfilled"? What does it even mean, after all?

  • If you have been brought up to believe you are not worthy of a satisfying life I want you to know that:
  • 1) you aren’t alone in this belief, many share it,
  • 2) having been brought up this way doesn’t actually have to determine how much you enjoy your life, and
  • 3) you are absolutely worthy and deserving of it.
  • For many of us, including myself and those that have joined the Freely Fulfilled Method, this belief can be strong. This mindset often gets passed to us during early childhood through the adults in our life. The idea of feeling completely whole in life and satisfied can sound like nothing short of a miracle. There is a lot of comfort in believing something won’t happen because it seems like it will hurt less if it doesn’t.
  • In this program we work to uncover the source of this belief, process it, and heal it. This leads to fulfillment. Aka the feeling of being completely whole and satisfied in life with your value coming from within and not based on external circumstances.
  • The feeling of being enough no matter what is going on in life. And best of all getting to enjoy the free, present, peaceful, relaxed, resilient, confident, easy, and loving benefits of feeling complete within.
  • It is the most incredible feeling and I hope that whether it is with this program or something else you one day get to feel it too.

Yeah but, why is this so expensive? Seems like a lot to be fulfilled.

  • This is a great thing to question. I think it is so important to use discernment and caution when considering if a big purchase is truly worth it.
  • In the Freely Fulfilled Method we meet 1:1 each week for 20 weeks.
  • You get individualized advice and guidance through a healing mindset exercise that will be available for you to use forever.
  • The value of the research on and introduction to the healing methods that actually worked and the curation of these comes to over $50,000.
  • The value of the individualized guidance comes to $375.
  • And the value of the access to the mindset exercises comes to $1500.
  • That makes the grand total value of the program $51,875. All this means you are getting almost $52k in value for $2798 (if you take advantage of the fast action price - remember this is a limited once in a lifetime offer).
  • On top of that, consider what is it costing you to NOT feel fulfilled?
  • What’s the cost of continuing to push yourself to achieve an absolutely “perfect life” so you can feel like enough? The cost of getting a new job that might be just as unsatisfying, pushing yourself to “accomplish more” and then burning out, force fitting another hobby into your schedule only to fall off with it, going on another vacation that leaves you more stressed when you get back to reality, and so on?
  • Like I said earlier these things can really add up. Between the different time management softwares, apps, coaching, hobbies, and courses you could easily be wasting over $7000 each year on things that won’t bring lasting consistent fulfillment.
  • We only have this one life. Time is our most precious and limited resource. How terrible to think about wasting another second on things that won’t bring lasting satisfaction and will just keep you miserable?
  • And… would you really trust that something could have the right methods and support to effectively change your life at a cheap price point?

Yeah but, I’ve tried so many things that have not worked. How do I know THIS will work?

  • I understand you are exhausted from trying things that haven’t worked. It can be so frustrating.
  • One big misstep with many programs, courses, and other coaching services that are meant to help you live a more fulfilling life is that they are either too focused on the present or too focused on structure.
  • By too focused on the present I mean that they will offer you advice and little tips for dealing with whatever you are currently facing. The problem here is life is full of change. A lot of these tips will be “obselete” so to speak, when you reach a new chapter in life.
  • Alternatively some programs focus to much on the structure. They have a mold and they expect you to fit yourself into it. It doesn’t matter if you need A, B, C because you are going to have to take X, Y, Z as they say you should.
  • Lucky for you I designed the Freely Fulfilled Method with this in mind so you can both get your needs addressed as they arise and get the structure and tools you need to help you as you go through life.
  • And as a bonus you haven’t tried this before. It is not a regurgitation of another framework for finding fulfillment. The framework of this program is the result of 10+ years of research where I explored over 20 different healing techniques to find the most effective recipe for consistent fulfillment.

Yeah but, my schedule is already packed enough as is. How am I going to fit this in?

  • Listen, I know you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, and the idea of adding something else to your schedule seems impossible. But, by adding THIS you will get to a place where you feel much more relaxed around your schedule and are able to free up time more easily.
  • Embarking on my own mission to figure out fulfillment I shared this same worry. AND most students who join the program feel the same at the start. So if you are concerned about how much time this is going to take and you are already overwhelmed no sweat, you are in good company.
  • The good news is this program is designed to be manageable. We meet once a week 1:1 for 45 minutes and then I give you a daily exercise that’s generally somewhere between 15 and 25 minutes to reinforce the method.
  • And if you are thinking “THAT sounds like A LOT!” just know that as you go through the program dissolving those mindset blocks the more your time management will improve.
  • And the more your time management improves the more space you are literally going to have in your schedule.
  • Also, I want you to know that this takes time. It is not something that can be rushed. Lasting life changes happen when we make small adjustments over longer periods of time, rather than one big stressful all-day overhaul.

Yeah but, I’m going through a tough season where I just don’t think enjoying life is possible. I feel like I should wait to do this.

  • If this is you my heart goes out to you. As with any program, trust your gut. If it feels right, do it. If it doesn’t then it might be better to wait.
  • The good thing about this program is that it meets you where you are right now and has tools that will see you through any season. As we know life is not perfect. It is full of challenges big and small.
  • If we wait for life to be perfect to feel fulfilled we will never be fulfilled
  • The Freely Fulfilled Method framework is there to help you find peace and clarity when life is good, bad, and anything in between. It helps you reframe challenges so you can come out on top and find some peace.

Yeah but, I’m suspicious… Are you sure YOU aren’t just fulfilled becuase you are profiting off of selling a program that makes people fulfilled?

  • If this thought is running through your head, we're on the same wavelength. I always question this before joining a program. There are absolutely courses out there where the person behind it is only living the dream they're selling because folks are shelling out cash for their teachings, not because they're actually living what they're selling.
  • Here is the thing I am fulfilled in life ONLY because of the principles I teach in the Freely Fulfilled Method. It wasn’t until I had already been practicing these principles and living a fulfilling life for a while did I create this program. Therefore selling this program is not what made me fulfilled.

Yeah but, I’m not sure this is for me because the people in my life won’t understand

  • As dear as our loved ones might be, sometimes they just won’t get it. You are not required to have any conversations with others you don’t want to have while in the program.
  • FFM gives you the tools to find clarity and confidence to see the impact of your relationships in your life and take action as YOU want to.

Feeling Fulfilled, Energized, Present, and Confident in your Work AND Life is Possible for You!

You have two choices…

Choice 1: Carry on

  • Keep doing what you are doing
  • Now I don’t know you personally, yet. But if you are like the vast majority of those watching this workshop you are struggling to find satisfaction.
  • You are spinning your wheels pushing yourself to try to accomplish “enough.” Your tank is on fumes and you can’t seem to even find the brake pedal.
  • You are doing this only to not feel anymore fulfilled and only to feel like maybe you are just not one of the “lucky ones”
  • That it is impossible
  • You can choose to keep doing that. And to keep looking for other solutions, somewhere.


Choice 2: Make a change

  • Join the Freely Fulfilled Method
  • And move through each day KNOWING that you are enough.
  • Having the right methods to love, trust, and respect yourself, even when the going gets tough.
  • Deeply believing in yourself and having the clarity to make life what you want.
  • Living each day enjoying and basking in the present moment.
  • And knowing without a doubt you are freely fulfilled.