Free On-Demand Video Workshop:

How to Create Fulfillment, Energy, and Confidence in your Work AND Life Right Now

(Without BS Goal Setting, Adding to Your Schedule, Losing Your Edge, or Randomly Taking up Knitting)

What You’ll Learn:

And more!

Who is this for?

This IS for you if you have been trying to build a fulfilling life and you have struggled...

  • You may be struggling in a sea of confusion from doing all the “right” things they say you should do to find fulfillment and you are still unhappy and unsatisfied.
  • You are struggling with trying to increase your productivity so you can get to “x” stage of your career and finally start enjoying life.
  • You are struggling, bogged down from too much guilt, to keep up with hobbies and other things you love doing in your personal life.

You don’t need a miracle to be fulfilled–just the right methods!

Meet Your Fulfillment Mentor

My name is Janice Engelgau, and despite now living a fulfilling life, I didn’t always.
Years ago, I would constantly push myself to the brink, believing my worth was tied to my career success. After a pivotal moment where I was almost fired from my biggest career opportunity yet one summer in NYC, I realized I needed to make a change.
For 10 years I tried every self-help method I could find. But despite my best efforts I was still struggling feeling incomplete and often felt burnt out and insecure.
It wasn't until I delved into deep mindset techniques during a business mentorship for personal stylists that I began to heal and truly transform.
Now, I live guilt-free, confidently pursuing my goals while enjoying life's simple pleasures.
Even while living through tough times, like a significant pay cut and financial strain, I maintain a sense of fulfillment.
After my own experience finding fulfillment, I realized I had to create a program to help others. I don’t want anyone else to have to struggle through all the unhelpful advice out there like I did.
Feeling fulfilled is an incredible feeling and I’m thrilled you’re here now, starting your journey with me!

Kristiana J.

"Before I knew it, I was showing up for myself in ways I hadn’t done before. I was healing and finally finding my voice and desires. This workshop was the secret ingredient I was missing. I’m in a completely different space with myself. Which was completely unexpected! Now I have the tools to work on this daily and I am beyond grateful!"

Desi E.

"I had the pleasure of working with Janice Engelgau, an incredible coach who made my journey truly enjoyable. Her warm and friendly demeanor created a positive atmosphere that made every interaction a delight. She is a coach who was always ready to lend a helping hand, providing guidance and support whenever needed. Working with her was truly a rewarding experience.”